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2023 World Agriculture Machine Sales Reviews

Views: 12     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-17      Origin: Site

World Agriculure Machinery Sales Reviews 2023

On January 8, the World Agricultural Machinery 2024 Business Fair was grandly held at  Zhuhai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

The theme of this conference is "Stick to the Original Aspiration and Determine the Value". Top managements attended the conference.

In addition, the conference was honored to invite Mr. Ma Shiqing, former Director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Inspector of the Agricultural Mechanization Management Department; Mr. Li Weiguo, former Director of the Social Undertaking Promotion Department and Agricultural Mechanization Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Chen Zhi, President of the China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association Mr. Xu Zhenxing, deputy director and researcher of the Agricultural Mechanization Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Mr. Chen Tao, vice president of the China Agricultural Machinery Circulation Association; Mr. Wang Guixian, former deputy director of the Agricultural Mechanization Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and many other highly respected industry experts, together with Friends from all over the country, sellers, suppliers, and service stations who support World's continuous advancement, gathered together to commend excellence and encourage the advanced; look forward to the future and optimize the layout.

Say goodbye to the old year with heroic songs and welcome the new year with joy. Looking back on 2023, it is a year of steady progress for World Agricultural Machinery. World Agricultural Machinery takes agricultural machinery manufacturing as its foundation and value creation as its mission. It has always been committed to promoting the development of China's agricultural machinery industry and firmly holds it in its own hands.

Mr. Zhu, general manager of Jiangsu World Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd., gave a "keynote speech". In his speech, he pointed out that in 2023, World Agricultural Machinery will be based on traditional agricultural machinery products, actively expand the field of high-end agricultural machinery equipment technology, and lay out the foundation for the future industrial development of World Agricultural Machinery. In the past year, World Agricultural Machinery has adhered to its original aspiration, concentrated its efforts, and moved forward in a down-to-earth manner. It adheres to the "intelligent manufacturing" of agricultural machinery as its foundation, deeply explores the application of new technologies such as automation and precision in modern agricultural equipment and focuses on staple food crops. As well as major economic crops such as soybeans, cotton, and sugar cane, we will comprehensively promote the upgrading of agricultural machinery and equipment and the application of key advanced technologies.

At the same time, in terms of overseas market expansion, World Agricultural Machinery not only achieved all-round product introduction, but also achieved a comprehensive channel layout in target countries, setting a new high in exports. With the launch of the overseas production base of Ward Agricultural Machinery, it will effectively promote the development of overseas markets and lay a good foundation for the strategic goal of the global development of Ward Agricultural Machinery.

Finally, General Manager Zhu pointed out that in the new year, World staff will be more calm, more pragmatic, and better equipped to seek corporate development opportunities in adversity. Lay out the shortcomings of the industry, increase investment in research and development of high-performance agricultural machinery equipment, accelerate breakthroughs in the research and development of key technologies for advanced equipment, unswervingly go global, actively expand overseas markets, and win future development space and opportunities for enterprises. On the other hand, World staff will firmly adhere to the craftsmanship spirit of product manufacturing, pay more attention to product quality control, comprehensively improve product quality control standards, and strictly control the production process.

History has witnessed the magnificent progress, and time has carved solid steps. After passing through the magnificent 2023, we ushered in the brand new 2024. The long river of time rushes forward, and the pace of struggle never stops. Although the road is long, you will get there if you go. Although the task is difficult, you will succeed if you do it. World Agricultural Machinery always adheres to its original intention, taking it as its mission to provide users with high-quality products and satisfactory services, insisting on protecting users' profits, and constantly innovating and optimizing products. This meeting is a milestone and important event for Ward Agricultural Machinery. It not only witnesses the growth of Ward Agricultural Machinery in 2023, but also marks that Ward Agricultural Machinery has reached a new level of development.




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